迪卡侬是一家集运动用品研发、设计、品牌、生产、物流及销售为一体的全产业链集团公司。集团由Michel LECLERCQ先生于1976年在法国创立,截止于2016年底已于全球27个国家成功开设1173家门店,行业排名欧洲第一,全球领先。
Decathlon is a group company with developing, design, brand, retail, logistics and production departments which possesses a whole industrial chain in sport products. The group was founded by Michel LECLERCQ in 1976, in France. As of now, we have opened 1173 stores in 27 countries and our company has been recognized as biggest sport company in Europe and possesses great fame all over the world.
迪卡侬集团拥有法国第二大的产品设计和研发中心,每年推出3500种以上新产品,自有品牌数量超过20个。产品覆盖山地运动, 水上运动, 自行车,轮滑滑板运动, 球拍类和高尔夫运动, 健身运动, 自然运动和团队运动等。商场内自有品牌产品占比超过85%。集团生产线遍布全球23个国家或地区,其中超过40%的产品来自于中国。
We own the second biggest research center in France, which helps to release 3,500 new products from 20 passion brands. We provide a wide range of products including Mountain Sports, Water sports, Cycling, Roller sports, Tennis, Table Tennis, Golf, Fitness, Team sports, which take up 85% of total product amounts. The production lines are distributed in 23 countries and areas, and more than 40% of which come from China.
As a retailer, Decathlon aims to gather all sport products in stores. Our store covers an area from 1500 to 12000 m², and the sport products cover 65 sports and 35,000 categories. Decathlon is becoming the new leader of neo-pattern sport industry by providing experience shopping and self-service model.
迪卡侬于1992 年进入中国,开始进行采购和生产运动产品的业务往来。至今公司已经在上海、深圳、广州、天津、武汉、中国台湾等十三个城市或地区建立生产分公司。
In 1992, Decathlon entered China and began our purchasing and production business. Till now, the producing distributions have settled in 13 cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Taiwan, etc.
In 2003, Decathlon group has set the principle strategy to develop China’s market and moved the Asian headquarter from Hong Kong to Shanghai. On November 5th, 2003, the first decathlon concept store opened in Pudong district, Shanghai. Now, 214 stores have been settled in 85 cities in China. In 2013, with the development of E-commerce, our customers enjoy our product in 370 cities.
Decathlon is the best respondent and practitioner of Mass Sports suggested by government and we have an ambitious plan to open 1,000 stores in future and enter 120 cities in China. We enjoy unique corporate culture and conduct liberate-management which has made our collaborators satisfied. What’s more valuable, we share an international working environment and recruit outstanding Chinese employees to work globally. Meanwhile, as a fantastic enterprise social citizen, Decathlon shares special focus on environment protection and sustainable development, and we continuously contribute to satisfy the public with sport.
对外沟通职位名称 | 迪卡侬见习运动大使 |
职位所属类别 | 商业零售;百货; |
招聘对象 | 校园招聘 |
职位描述详情(工作职责、风位要求、薪资福利、其它说明等) | |
在迪卡侬,超过8万名员工在全产业链的岗位上努力工作, 致力于为全球24个国家,1200多家门店的当地运动爱好者提供出色的产品及服务, 我们尽全力,让最广泛的大众同怀运动愿望,共享运动欢益! 职位名称 我通过全渠道模式提供产品及专业服务,让运动用户满意或更满意 -我热爱运动并与当地运动用户建立紧密的联系,让每一位运动用户满意 -我通过全渠道的方式,推动商场的商业活动,并对部门的商业目标及盈利负责 -我维护良好的货架陈列和库存周转, 以实现快速自主的购物体验 -我维护商场的日常运营,保证人员与货品的安全 岗位要求 -2018年应届毕业生,专业不限 (毕业前提供每周不低于40小时的工作时间) -充满活力,热爱并定期运动 -真诚友善,乐于沟通,富有团队精神 -脚踏实地,具有高度的责任感 -热爱零售行业,具有商业思维和用户服务意识 见习期培养计划 -一对一导师带领制:毕业前在指定导师的引领下掌握零售基础技能 -完善的培训体系:公司价值观、产品培训、陈列与库存管理、高效销售、顾客服务等 -见习薪资:底薪+月度奖金 -见习考核:经过3-6个月见习考核,考核通过者毕业后正式成为运动大使 毕业转正后薪资福利 -基本薪资+月度奖金+年度利润分享 -每年12-20天的带薪年假 -共同爱好的运动社群,丰富多样的体育活动以及运动津贴、员工折扣 -无固定期限劳动合同,入职第一天即可申请参加迪卡侬全球持股计划 -五险一金,享受年度体检,公司加保全家商业医疗保险(含配偶及子女) 长期发展计划 -量身定制的全方位长期培训发展体系 -伴随公司快速发展和100%内部晋升带来的广阔晋升空间 【运动大使=>部门经理=>商场经理=>区域经理】 -面向全球的全产业链的多元化工作机会 【品牌中心/工业采购/物流/电子商务/其他服务部门等】 |